Camping Recap
Since I've been up all night studying for my Zoo test, I feel I need a break. So I will give you a recap of the camping weekend.
We were running a little late, and didn't leave Norman till about 4. We stopped off at a gas station, and then the time slipped away till 5. We made it to Owasso, and Laura wanted us to stop by Chilis to see her before heading to the campsite. Which made it 7:30ish before we headed to my house to pick up the boat (which turned out to have locked steering, and we couldn't use). So then we took off to skiatook, and purchased gasoline for the boat and bought groceries. Then got to the campsite around 9:30. Gerard, Kelly, Tim, Greg and I set up the campsite, in the dark, and then sat around for a bit talking and then slept.

Haha, me being the morning person I am, I wake up at 7:00 and can't go back to sleep, so finally I wake up the boys at 8:30. A group of boys are very grumpy at 8:30 in the morning.... so we take the jetski out for a bit before Laura, Thomas, and Althea all meet us and we spend the day conversing, swimming, and getting sun.

That night we all play cards and sit around the campfire eating and drinking.
We eventually fall asleep and the next day just involves taking everything down. It was very relaxing and fun.
Highlights: 1.)Laura talking me into popping a squat in the grass at 2 in the morning, instead of walking half a mile to the restrooms 2.) getting to use a hatchet
3.)hearing about Greg and Tim's encounter with the ranger and the 90 dollar stump they chopped down:

4.)And probably Gerard and Laura pulling me on the intertube behind the jetski. Wow, I am sore....
....and tired....
We were running a little late, and didn't leave Norman till about 4. We stopped off at a gas station, and then the time slipped away till 5. We made it to Owasso, and Laura wanted us to stop by Chilis to see her before heading to the campsite. Which made it 7:30ish before we headed to my house to pick up the boat (which turned out to have locked steering, and we couldn't use). So then we took off to skiatook, and purchased gasoline for the boat and bought groceries. Then got to the campsite around 9:30. Gerard, Kelly, Tim, Greg and I set up the campsite, in the dark, and then sat around for a bit talking and then slept.

Haha, me being the morning person I am, I wake up at 7:00 and can't go back to sleep, so finally I wake up the boys at 8:30. A group of boys are very grumpy at 8:30 in the morning.... so we take the jetski out for a bit before Laura, Thomas, and Althea all meet us and we spend the day conversing, swimming, and getting sun.

That night we all play cards and sit around the campfire eating and drinking.
We eventually fall asleep and the next day just involves taking everything down. It was very relaxing and fun.
Highlights: 1.)Laura talking me into popping a squat in the grass at 2 in the morning, instead of walking half a mile to the restrooms 2.) getting to use a hatchet
3.)hearing about Greg and Tim's encounter with the ranger and the 90 dollar stump they chopped down:

4.)And probably Gerard and Laura pulling me on the intertube behind the jetski. Wow, I am sore....
....and tired....
At 11:10 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Definitely sounds like it was a lot more fun than mowing my yard. That really sucked, because not only had it not been cut in over a week and a half, it was raining as I got in on friday night. I filled like 9 trash bags full of grass, and mind you my yard isn't that big or anything. However, I would have had my butt kicked by my Econ. test had I not studied this weekend, and gone camping. Sounds like it was a lot of fun though, and you had a pretty good sized crowd go too. Sorry again that I couldn't make it. And just for the record, my lawn was not dead when I got home.
At 10:26 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Get well soon. Miss you.
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