"A real woman should own three items..."

"a power tool, a motorcycle, and a black lace bra." -My revision of an old saying.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Last night I dreamed about the apocalypse. I was in Stillwater actually, i think I was visiting Shannon, and we were talking late into the night. I dont know where joe was! Anyway, sitting next to the window, I looked into the sky briefly and was startled by the fact that there was like two moons, and one was red. There was this strange fog-like presence descending from one of the moons (like in the ten commandments movie when the death angel comes down and there is this green mist!)Spooky! Then a CLOWN (which im deathly afraid of) rode by on a horse. I guess he was supposed to be one of the four horsemen? Then all these bright flashes zoomed everywhere, and everything seemed to be exploding. I woke up abruptly, and quite terrified. Joe slept soundly. It was a terrifying dream, and today I'm haunted by it.


  • At 8:54 PM , Blogger phil said...

    wierd. hey im coming to the wedding, but my rsvp will be late

  • At 1:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I have a few ideas about what could be causing a dream like that. One possibility: you're not used to things going right like they are with Joe, and so your mind is acting out all the worst-case scenarios it can come up with subconciously throughout the day. At night, that same process becomes a dream. Kind of a "well, I found the man of my dreams, and now the world ends. Doesn't that just kinda figure?" sort of thing. Relax! You're intelligent and aware enough to look at every decision before you and know what the wisest course of action is; do what you know is wise (when in doubt, it's the option you least like), and your road will be easy! Life doesn't have to be dramatic and torrential.

  • At 11:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You're hard to get ahold of :p


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