So, i heard that when I awake in the night (part of my insomnia) i am supposed to get up and do something. Staying in bed when you can't sleep will eventually cause you to associate not sleeping with your bed. So, here I am writing in my journal at 4 in the freaking morning. Eh, I'm willing to try anything. This is becoming the worst of trouble for me. I look and act like a zombie all the time now. I need the release of a full nights sleep soon.
I have always been a pretty picky/odd sleeper. But I have never been a non-sleeper. Sure I have to have it completely quiet, dark, and cool. But I always was good about going to bed at a decent hour (10-12) and waking at a decent hour (8-10). Now, its become sleep: (3-4), lay in bed: (4-8), toss and turn till who knows when. The dreams have become increasingly interesting. The last one I could remember involved these Care Bear type animals. Not cute and cuddly, mind you, but really creepy. Like the ones in the Stone Temple Pilots music video "Sour Girl", or the bunny in the movie
Donny Darko.

Really scary eh?
I also cannot for the life of me, sleep with another human being. Whether it be my cousin Robin when she comes down to visit on holidays, or a boyfriend. There was only one instance with a boy that I felt comfortable enough to sleep in his presence. I dont know what that is about, but none the less, it puts a damper on your relationships. I think that when I finally do find the one person that I can sleep the whole night with, I will know they are the ONE. There is something about sleeping next to someone that is so powerful. I think it has to do with the fact that you are most vulnerable when sleeping...I dont know if any of this will make sense in the morning.
In honor of V-day tomorrow and the anti-Valentines day club of Owasso, as vice-president I feel a need to dedicate something. But even though I continue to try to convince myself that I do not believe in Romance, my heart wants desparately to believe. So, here is a touching statement from Robert Frost's poem "Reluctance":
"Ah, when to the heart of man
Was it ever less than a treason
To go with the drift of things,
To yield with a grace to reason,
And bow and accept the end
Of a love or a season?"