The Calling

She wasn't quite sure of what was taking place, but she knew things would never be the same. She could sense things, feel their emotions and the deep sadness that captured their souls. This is why she stood at a distance from him. He questioned the body language, but decided to take a chance. The weather was cold and she stood outside barefoot to see him off. As they remained there motionless, he noticed a slight shiver, which she made discrete from pride. To put his arm around her waist seemed harmless enough and unthreatening in accordance with the chilly evening. He moved slowly to her side, mimicing the care one would take when approaching a meek animal, and touched her.
Without warning she succumbed into a violent shuddering siezure, as though his touch were hotter than a branding iron. She wheeled around abruptly and looked sadly into his face, a tear falling timidly down her peaked cheek. But her eyes were what struck him to the core. So compassionately understanding, he believed she saw right into his heart. He wouldn't have doubted she knew everything about him in one look. His depressing childhood, the death of his best friend, his seclusion in High School, the suicide attempts, and his loneliness reflected out of her emerald green emmense eyes. His burden now hers, and silently he wept.
He backed off alarmed. His hands coming up in a defensive manner, unsure of what had just taken place. He felt strangely void of a pressing darkness. The pain was gone. He turned to run, as the coward he used to believe he was, and glanced back over his shoulder just as she collapsed gently onto the ground blacked out and completely helpless. He returned, lifted her easily and brought her inside. Not knowing the appropriate actions in this situation, he laid her on the couch. Her eyelids flickering and brow contorted with agony, she remained unconscious. Then much to his regret, he left, locking the door behind him. Sitting for several long moments in his car, he couldn't bring himself to pull out of the parking space.... slowly he drifted into his first undisturbed sleep in years, staring at her glowing window. His last thoughts were of her eyes.