School has started today. I'm in a computer lab waiting for my next class, considering the entire first week is kinda a joke. After about 15 minutes of introductions and getting signed in, passing out papers, the instructors let us go. This semester should be an easy one to get back in the swing of things. That should leave plenty of time for wedding planning.
We already have a place and date. The cedar rock inn in tulsa, on the 19th...not the 20th like we first had hoped. We put down a deposit on that, and I already have my dress. So the hard stuff is all done. Joe and I also started our counseling, and it has really brought us together as a couple. So the planning is on its way too.
I'm taking swimming and soccer this semester as actual classes. Which I'm excited about, but at the same time, wearing a one piece speedo, goggles, and a cap is going to be....well....interesting. I should be fit and looking lean by wedding time though, and after that the honeymoon in Mexico. ;)
I don't think it has quite sunk in yet. I look down at my hand several times a day and see the ring and try to peer into the future. I wonder when I will actually start feeling like a fiance, instead of plain ole melody?