"A real woman should own three items..."

"a power tool, a motorcycle, and a black lace bra." -My revision of an old saying.

Sunday, January 30, 2005


Saturday, January 29, 2005

Winter Wonderland...

Yesterday I woke up to Laura yelling "Look outside!" I grogily pushed open the blinds and saw a beautiful sight. Snow had covered the ground during the night, and continued to fall off and on during the day. Weird Oklahoma Weather! Three days ago it was around 70 degrees outside, and yesterday it snowed. Today however, is just disappointing. It is cold but only slightly, and extremely overcast. Its quite interesting to get to utilize most articles in your closet, and people are becoming really creative with their ensembles. I actually saw a girl wearing a tank top, skirt, eskimo knee high boots, a scarf and a beanie. Haha.
I am at the library right now. On Saturday, walking across campus this early in the morning you dont see anyone. Its sad when your friends all want you to party with them on Friday night and you must be the responsible person and decline, in order to go to bed early and rise early. I hope to find another job soon. This one is really starting to wear me down. I need excitement. I think Im becoming a "dull" person. I actually fit the librarian stereotype: reading for pleasure, wearing glasses and my hair in a bun to work, being unsocial and introverted. Yikes!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Stop....Drop....and Roll?

So, I haven't been very motivated to write in this journal lately. Nothing really special has occurred in the longest time. But after a whole lota nothing, the most shocking thing happened last night.

A friend of Laura and I had recently lost his grandfather. (I'm so sorry Jon.)All of his friends being asleep, I invited him over to get his mind off of things. Laura and Gerard were in the livingroom with us. We had all been playing with this lighter, passing it back and forth. I had my feet up on the table, and I was wearing some thick wool socks. Laura started playing with the lighter, and not even being all that close to my feet (perhaps 3-8 inches away), somehow managed to LIGHT MY FEET ON FIRE! Thats right, I was actually in flames. Not just a little bit, but man did those socks go up fast! I supposed wool is very highly flamable. I reacted fast enough as to ensure I didn't severly burn myself. (Actually, everyone acted fast....Jon dove for my feet, I jumped down and padded them out, Laura reached out to help, and Gerard just laughed.) But everyone is fine. I didn't catch the apartment on fire, and my feet weren't even touched. It was just an emense amount of heat very suddenly, and startingly. The socks have traces of a fight though, and the smell of burning wool isn't the best aroma in the world.

Does this make me accident prone?

Sunday, January 23, 2005


Some people have this keen ability to hit you at the core. See through it all.

Him: why are you numb? You don't tell me much of what is going on inside your head (and I doubt you will now), but I know it's there...some thought(s) nearly always give you a look a preoccupation, like you're half living in the moment, and half in your memories...but then, I do often see more than what's actually there..

When was the last time you let someone in?

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


So, thanks for all the concerns. I appreciate everyone's worry, but its unnecessary. This is something that I need to work through on my own. No one can help me now.

But, on a lighter note...here is an embarrassing moment:

-Laura and I in Walmart.-

(passing the toilet paper isle)
Me: OHHH! I need toilet paper.

(browse down isle with Laura unaware of Walmart packing man restocking.)

Me: Hmm, this one is only $3.26 for a twelve pack.

Laura: (abruptly) OHH! And it has ripples!


(packing man suddenly straightening up and giving big grin.)

(Me and Laura running madly down the isle laughing uncontrollably.)

Saturday, January 15, 2005


Thursday, January 13, 2005

Interesting Welcome Home....

Yesterday I got off work and back to the apartment at around 1:30. I sat down on the couch and turned on the T.V. A couple of minutes later, I heard this sound resembling knocking, but through the wall to the next apartment over. I have never heard much of anyone around us, the walls are pretty well reinforced. I didn't take note of it until the moaning started. Barely noticable at first, then in a woman's voice, pleasurable screams erupted! It amused the crap out of me, because being a woman I could tell she was totally faking. This proceeded to last approx. 15 minutes. Good job buddy. Needless to say, it was very interesting to come home to.

Not much has been happening here in Norman. The weather is driving me crazy though. It really messes with your body when the temperature changes from freezing to 70ish degrees in the course of one day. I've had more migraines this week than I had last year together. I am anxious to have my girls back. I miss them desperately. The boys here have done a good job keeping my mind off the fact im alone though...so thanks! I am still plagued by sleepless nights. I toss and turn. Its really starting to wear me down. Someone at work told me that sleepless people have something pent up inside they have yet to release, some feeling, emotion, or action yet expressed. Nothing comes to mind, I already said what needed to be said and done. I think perhaps what bothers me is the outcome. My philosophy is never to have regrets, and I try to act accordingly, but in the end I always do.

Straylight Run plays in Bricktown OKC: 1/31/05! Im there.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

New Me?

The so called "Break" was horrible. The little bit of fun I had involved my cousin, and an old friend from High school who used to be my best girlfriend. I missed ya Shan, nice you have ya back. Now im back in Norman by myself for a little over a week. If you happen to want to find some mad fun, come up and visit me. I did something out of character today. New look, perhaps and new me? Curious...then just ask me online. I got a heads up that my sis is looking at my site, so I don't yet want to deal with my parents about it. Would be nice if you respected my wishes on this and didn't tell them.